Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Schools and Finances - 1155 Words

Regardless of the school, public or private, finances play a major role in its survival. While school districts and schools struggle to survive amid the ongoing and strenuous standards for success, provisions must still be made to ensure that these entities are financially sound (Hall, 2006). The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the ramifications of school finance litigation and practice in the state of Florida. In addition, this paper will be used to research the historical evolution of educational finance and explain the most significant paradigm shifts that have taken place in Florida. Finally, this paper will be designed to evaluate the ways current financial decisions resulting from recent litigation have shaped the educational†¦show more content†¦To comply with these legal challenges, the Florida legislature replaced the MFP (Minimum Foundation Program) with the FEFP (Florida Education Finance Program). The FEFP would be used to fund districts based on the number of full-time students were in the district. In addition the FEFP allocated funds so that poorer districts would be able to receive more funds per student (Herrington Weider, 2001, p. 521). In 1979, FEFP was challenged by the Gindl Department of Education, Escambia, Florida. The school district challenged the discretionary millage provision which may lead to funding shortfalls in property poor districts and funding increases in property rich districts. Additionally, in 1993, Kay Glasser and others sued Florida’s Department of Education over the discretionary millage provision. Glasser contended that the millage limit as set by FEFP for school purposes was unconstitutional, however, the Florida courts upheld FEFP but declined to establish a clear uniform system for public schools (Herrington Weider, 2001). Odden and Piccus (2008) posited that regardless of the push for adequacy in education, the need for equity is still crucial to any school’s financial plan. Hence, su ch cases further suggest that the equity predicament across states and school districts is not one that will be easily solved (Brimley Garfield, 2008). As early as 1995, plaintiffs had begun filing suchShow MoreRelatedThe Issue Of School Finance1213 Words   |  5 PagesSchool finance has been a contentious issue around the country due to the amount of money that is required to provide a public education to all children. Exacerbating the issue is the fact that there is no uniformity across each state because the federal government does not have any clause within the U.S. Constitution that requires a funding of public education. Providing education is simply relegated to each state under the 10th amendment (Russo, 2016). 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