Saturday, May 16, 2020

Skills And Knowledge Of Employee Training - 979 Words

Employee training is essential to the organization because it helps the employees improve their performance. Secondly, excellent employee performance helps the organization’s success. It is very important that the management provide necessary training to those employees who needs improvement. In order to determine the need of employee training, the management must provide several steps. This includes, conducting analysis, establishing goals and objectives. To determined the need of employee training, the first step is to conduct an analysis as to what type of training that will be needed, to improve the employee’s performance. For example, if the employees need a task analysis such as using a register, it is important to identify how each employee are performing while using the register. Before I provide a task training, I can observe and conduct every transaction’s errors. This will determine the skills and knowledge of the employees while using the register. â €Å"Skill test is a test that measures an employees level of some job related skills. Knowledge test is a test that measures the level of an employee’s knowledge about a job related topic.† During my research, I can identify errors from transactions and I can observe the employee’s strength and weaknesses. (Aamodt, 2015, p. 288) Once I finished with my observation and research, the next step is to develop a training program for those employees that is having difficulty with their task performance. The next step afterShow MoreRelatedEmployee Development : An Organization1164 Words   |  5 PagesEmployee development is a constant effort by an organization to improve and develop the skills, knowledge and abilities of its employees. Global change and advancement in technology have generated knowledge to sustain competitive advantage of a company. 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